Free RAR Extractor is a free application that may come in handy when you need to extract archived data. Despite its name, it supports not only RAR files but also ZIP, 7z, ISO, JAR, LHA, CAB and TAR.
It is not very sophisticated in terms of available options as it does not even allow compressing files. However, it has the undeniable advantage of being light and intuitive. In fact, it is so easy that you can use it without reading any help at all, which, by the way, is not available for this version yet. Its user interface could not be made more straightforward. You will need to carry out only two steps to successfully extract the desired contents. The first step is selecting the compressed file. This can be done by simply dragging and dropping the file into the program’s window but you can also use the "Open File" button to browse for a file on your system.
As a second step, you should specify the destination folder and wait until the contents is extracted. Then, the output folder will automatically open.
This program provides some quite useful options. First, it includes an auto-update feature that can be scheduled so that you always enjoy the latest version. Second, it can be set to start along with your operating system. Most kind from its developers, the application starts 30 seconds after system startup to avoid slowing down this process. Finally, you can create a portable version of the program, which you can take on an external drive without need for installation.